It is not an easy task to collect those two information together as it can be read from two different objects. It is always an issue (for me) to merge two value from two different object as VM can have several network cards and at the same time be connected …
As adding new host to VMware AVS cluster, removing is usually fairly simply. AVS Private Cloud -> Clusers, select 3 dots and edit. Next to the each host you can find small trash icon. By selecting that one you can remove host from the cluster and save the status with …
If you need to have for some reason more than one gmail account (ie. working for more companies) but you are checking just one mailbox regularly then below is the solution that might work for you as it did for me. In that way, all incoming messages to your source …
This year I had an opportunity to do presentation around current status of AVS (and also in comparison to other VMware implementation in Public Cloud). Below you can find my presentation. I am working to publish my screen recordings as well. This presentation is in Polish, but anyway, I am …
VMtools stanowią bardzo istotny element infrastruktury VMware, często pomijamy czy traktowany mniej poważnie. Tymczasem jest to bardzo istotny element (tak, powiedziałem to jeszcze raz) środowiska który w równym stopniu co cała reszta odpowiada za jego stabilność i bezawaryjność. Z tego względu warto zapoznać się z ich instalacją i utrzymaniem. Ponieważ …
If you are playing around the VMC soon or later you will need or you would like to configure VPN network connectivity. Direct Connect is fantastic, but I suppose not everyone can afford to buy it for your home/lab connection 🙂 Especially most of the production implementations are around BGP, …
CDS – Cloud Director Services – SaaS implementation of Cloud Director for VMware Cloud Providers that can be connected to VMware in AWS (VMC) and provide the interface to the customer to manage their infrastructure. CDS is a brilliant service which saves a lot of time when compared to the …
There are plenty of articles on why to migrate to VMC (VMware on AWS). But I am also facing so many trivial questions, even from people operating VMware on-prem every day. Typical question is why not migrate to the native cloud, or even to the virtual systems that are running …
For VMC you can create one VPN Layer 2. There are 3 ways to configure L2 by deploying appropriate appliances: Deploy autonomous edge Deploy HCX L2 extensions Deploy standalone edge Autonomous edge: It is quite easy when you are using the NSX Autonomous edge. There are several well described steps …
HCX – trochę teorii, modele licencyjne, jak go wykorzystać. To jest pierwszy z serii artykułów na temat HCX – w mojej opinii jednej z najciekawszych technologii którą w tej chwili VMware ma w ofercie. W kolejnych chciałbym się skupić na: HCX, Implementacja w połączeniu z VMC HCX, Modele migracji, jak …