
Why Firefox is important and people should use this browser in 2024, my thoughts.

Can you remember the times when everyone was using Internet Explorer? Back in the ’90s and the early part of this century, Internet Explorer dominated the browser market. Software Incompatibility with Other Browsers Incompatibility issues with software and other browsers have been a persistent problem. Even in 2022, this remains …


Script to copy data from one directory to another and at the same time remove copied files after 30 days.

It is typical that we need to schedule (cron) operations on files for archiving or pre/post – processing purpose. Below script is and example, can be use to simplify with customization of your example:


CPU burn in linux/virtual environment.

Below you can find python script to burn cpu (for expamle, when testing alerting) in virtual (and physical) environment. Script is scaling (automatically) for number of CPU presented for the OS To run script use the following command: python3


Compare md5 between linux and macos

The md5 can be calculated against the file in order to compare two files or to be sure that the file you are dealing with is the one you wanted (if something for example is downloaded to your local server/computer from Internet). In all (I know) linux distribution you can …


Converting MOV File to Smaller Size: A Guide to Converting to MP4

If, like me, you happen to be recording your desktop, which is quite simple and convenient on any current operating system (including ChromeOS or MacOS), sooner or later you may run into a disk space issue. From time to time, when I’m working on new configurations or playing around with …


MacOS helpful tricks and some other findings.

MacOS in excellent, proven modern (but with long history) operating system. It is extremely stable – 50-60 days uptime shouldn’t surprise. It is with POSIX implementation, secure, standarised Unix. All the features implemented in that OS over the years should make most users happy, regardless advances or beginners.You can like …


LXC container for lab environment.

Power of the containers (mainly based on docker) has been proved many, many times. But what in the scenario you have very, very limited resources in your virtual lab and lets say, small debian installation with very few GB of RAM and 1 CPU. With LXC you can use this …


Create debian usb bootable USB stick under macOS.

To create debian bootable disk you can use tools already available in macOS. We are going to use: If you need to remove partition from your external drive and “Disk Utility” is no able to do that, you can use the following example: diskutil eraseDisk JHFS+ UntitledUFS disk4.That would destroy …


Azure SAP HANA compatibility

SAP HANA Large instance in Azure is now in “sunset mode” and new customers cannot use this type of deployment. To deploy new HANA installation one of the many Azure VM SKU can be used. The biggest one (as of Jan, 28, 2022) with spectacular 24TB(!) of RAM and 896 …


gmail, filter forwarded email

If you need to have for some reason more than one gmail account (ie. working for more companies) but you are checking just one mailbox regularly then below is the solution that might work for you as it did for me. In that way, all incoming messages to your source …