Hi, this short article only to mention that there is a wonderful application that exists for a years for the purpose to download YOUR or maybe some other movies from youtube. I don’t want to go in to legal aspect too much, what can be downloaded from youtube, what not …
Short article just to write down not-so frequently (for me) task: remove /opt/homebrew/bin from that command where using on other system than macOs Options: cheers
This will be short (but hopefully I will find more time to show entire process to search duplicated files together with some examples). In case you are searching for duplicated files I can recommend two software which actually rocks in openSource world
The same kind of issue I have encountered numerous times while working across different environments and with various customers. The problem with NFS mounts connected from remote locations is so common. This issue extends beyond communication solely over WAN and also include connections between datacenters (DC) where we lack control …
If, like me, you happen to be recording your desktop, which is quite simple and convenient on any current operating system (including ChromeOS or MacOS), sooner or later you may run into a disk space issue. From time to time, when I’m working on new configurations or playing around with …
MacOS in excellent, proven modern (but with long history) operating system. It is extremely stable – 50-60 days uptime shouldn’t surprise. It is with POSIX implementation, secure, standarised Unix. All the features implemented in that OS over the years should make most users happy, regardless advances or beginners.You can like …
If you need to have for some reason more than one gmail account (ie. working for more companies) but you are checking just one mailbox regularly then below is the solution that might work for you as it did for me. In that way, all incoming messages to your source …
If you are dealing with ftp, ftps or sftp file transfer very likely you already have some favorite client for that purpose. I usually use FileZilla which works fantastic in graphical interface regardless it is on Linux/FreeBSD/MacOS or even Windows. For cli my first choice is lftp[1] whenever it is …
FreeBSD as very mature OS has a lot of tools to gather all kinds of statistics. For network statistic the following console software can be used: systat -ifstat bmon netstat -1 iftop
It can be easly done with “convert” program. Should be widely available on the Linux system (I am using this on my debian which I could install without any problem). To convert jpg(s) file(s) into pdf you just simply need to go to the directory with the files and do …