
Dodatek one-tab dla przeglądarki firefox.

Dodatki do przeglądarek to nie jest temat którym chciałbym się zajmować na tym blogu. Staram się, w szczególności ostatnio, izolować od mniej istotnych zadań, zwłaszcza związanych z tuningowaniem przeglądali czy swojego komputera.Jednak dodatek OneTab jest na tyle istotny w mojej codziennej pracy, że postanowiłem poświęcić temu krótki opis. OneTab można …


AWS Directory Service for Cloud Director Service

CDS – Cloud Director Services – SaaS implementation of Cloud Director for VMware Cloud Providers that can be connected to VMware in AWS (VMC) and provide the interface to the customer to manage their infrastructure. CDS is a brilliant service which saves a lot of time when compared to the …


VMC, why and how to migrate to, HCX(!)

There are plenty of articles on why to migrate to VMC (VMware on AWS).  But I am also facing so many trivial questions, even from people operating VMware on-prem every day.  Typical question is why not migrate to the native cloud, or even to the virtual systems that are running …


Easy setup freebsd jail for samba server.

FreeBSD jail is kind of chrooted, kernel buildin advanced funciton to create several environments in one operating system. All those environments are using the same kernel – but have they own IP spaces, disk space, users and application. By desing host users (root) can access disk space utilized by the …


Deploy and use standalone edge for VPN L2 in VMC.

For VMC you can create one VPN Layer 2. There are 3 ways to configure L2 by deploying appropriate appliances: Deploy autonomous edge Deploy HCX L2 extensions Deploy standalone edge Autonomous edge: It is quite easy when you are using the NSX Autonomous edge. There are several well described steps …


HCX – trochę teorii, modele licencyjne, jak go wykorzystać.

HCX – trochę teorii, modele licencyjne, jak go wykorzystać. To jest pierwszy z serii artykułów na temat HCX – w mojej opinii jednej z najciekawszych technologii którą w tej chwili VMware ma w ofercie.  W kolejnych chciałbym się skupić na:  HCX, Implementacja w połączeniu z VMC HCX, Modele migracji, jak …


vmkfstools – command options

Inspiration for today’s article is a fantastic documentation of the vmkfstools founded here: vmkfstools is a cli command you can find on every ESXi host. As with everything but you always need to be careful when using it because you can potentially easily delete or mess around with your …


Virtual System fails to start on ESXi with “no space left on the device” message.

In a very rare situation VM can fails to start because of the swap file issue. Basically, VMware philosophy is to maintain for each virtual machine the swap file. This file is being used while the ESXi memory contention. Hypervisor should always guarantee that your system will always be up …


vRealize Orchestrator for beginners and not only (part 2/2).

If you were following my guide „vRealize Orchestrator for beginners and not only (part 1/2)” as well as other guides available over the Internet, you already have running environment. Now, let’s connect vRealize Orchestrator to vCenter and deploy new workflow. If you will be willing to follow this guide to …


vRealize Orchestrator for beginners and not only (part 1/2).

VMware vRealize orchestrator is a fantastic tool to do so infinity number of tasks. Depends on the task you want to do orchestrator can be easy to use because of already created an provided with appliance ready to use workflows. If you want to achieve more, sometimes it can be …