
Create Pages document in Finder (macOS + automator)

As you most probably know, in macOS you can use automation to run repeatable tasks. Automator requires little bit scripting so the task is not necessary to be done by everyone, but lots of users can find it extremely useful. In addition It is always possible to run AI to …


Search for duplicated files

This will be short (but hopefully I will find more time to show entire process to search duplicated files together with some examples). In case you are searching for duplicated files I can recommend two software which actually rocks in openSource world


“Gaming laptop”, steam link and rustdesk.

Not really related to this article, but just wanted to describe the situation.  Most of the time I am working on Linux or Mac. Not a big deal, but last year we bought my daughter a kind of gaming laptop. I am saying kind of, because IMHO there is no …


Photo albums: How to deal with that beast

If you are like me, you probably have a ton of photos from your escapades, significant moments of your life. Some photos are more important, some can be deleted, some you don’t even want to see (for whatever reason). In a perfect world I would review all those photos regularly, …


NFS issue, cannot be mounted or is not visible

The same kind of issue I have encountered numerous times while working across different environments and with various customers. The problem with NFS mounts connected from remote locations is so common. This issue extends beyond communication solely over WAN and also include connections between datacenters (DC) where we lack control …


Combine many pdf files into one.

This article is going to be a quick one, just showcasing a command I don’t use very frequently but always find annoying to locate when needed. gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf *.pdf ‘gs’ is a app that can be found using Homebrew (on macOS) or with most Linux distributions. …


Export your data from iCloud (for archive and other purposes)

It is always a little bit tricky for me to find where to download all my data from iCloud in case I want to archive them at my home disk, or basically I want to remove some of my data from iCloud to avoid additional fee for cloud storage space. …


Slow ssh (sudo) login to linux

Few steps to check when login operation (or sudo) is successful but takes long time:


Why Firefox is important and people should use this browser in 2024, my thoughts.

Can you remember the times when everyone was using Internet Explorer? Back in the ’90s and the early part of this century, Internet Explorer dominated the browser market. Software Incompatibility with Other Browsers Incompatibility issues with software and other browsers have been a persistent problem. Even in 2022, this remains …


Script to copy data from one directory to another and at the same time remove copied files after 30 days.

It is typical that we need to schedule (cron) operations on files for archiving or pre/post – processing purpose. Below script is and example, can be use to simplify with customization of your example: