Hi, this short article only to mention that there is a wonderful application that exists for a years for the purpose to download YOUR or maybe some other movies from youtube. I don’t want to go in to legal aspect too much, what can be downloaded from youtube, what not …
IntroductionThis article details the migration of WordPress site (exactly this site you are now on) from one service provider to Amazon Lightsail. There might be various reason to do that (mine is outlined below) but in general I hope to share the message that especially with WordPress, migration can be …
For a while now, the VMware Workstation (and Fusion for MacOS) can be used without any additional fee for Personal use. That was a great Broadcom news and nice gesture from that software vendor. Recently Broadcom announced that the software will be available for all, even the commercial sector. This …
Short article just to write down not-so frequently (for me) task: remove /opt/homebrew/bin from that command where using on other system than macOs Options: cheers
Introduction I have been using Google Drive for many years without any issues, but since the only constant in life is change, I recently found myself having to use OneDrive. I’m not very familiar with OneDrive, so the functions (and partial solutions) presented below might also be available in Microsoft …
As every IT administrator knows, the infrastructure (meaning storages, compute, VMware virtualisation stack) is just a fundaments to run various operating systems (OS) and finally (containerized) application. Therefore, installation of (let’s call it) infrastructure in the datacenter (SDDC), in that sense is just the beginning of the adventure. No wonder, …
As you most probably know, in macOS you can use automation to run repeatable tasks. Automator requires little bit scripting so the task is not necessary to be done by everyone, but lots of users can find it extremely useful. In addition It is always possible to run AI to …
This will be short (but hopefully I will find more time to show entire process to search duplicated files together with some examples). In case you are searching for duplicated files I can recommend two software which actually rocks in openSource world
Not really related to this article, but just wanted to describe the situation. Most of the time I am working on Linux or Mac. Not a big deal, but last year we bought my daughter a kind of gaming laptop. I am saying kind of, because IMHO there is no …
If you are like me, you probably have a ton of photos from your escapades, significant moments of your life. Some photos are more important, some can be deleted, some you don’t even want to see (for whatever reason). In a perfect world I would review all those photos regularly, …